About Susie

Nice to Meet You!

Susie Mierzwik is a bestselling author, speaker and entrepreneur. She helps her clients transform their health and life with a cutting edge technology. Susie’s greatest desire is to help others find and live their best lives. She has dedicated her life to education, both in the classroom and now in mentorship and authorship

Years of Experience

Presentations and Podcasts

Published Works and Books

Countries Traveled

Susie’s Story

About Susie

Susie Mierzwik is a retired teacher who received the Teacher of the Year award in 2000 from her district in southern California. She does volunteer work with various charities, including Samaritan’s Purse which sends gift boxes of essential items to children in third world countries. Senator Mike Morrel presented her with a community service award in 2014.

Since retiring from education in 2012, she has devoted herself to building a health and wellness business. It is a cutting edge technology from LifeWave that uses phototherapy and stem cell regeneration to assist the body in healing and eliminating pain. Since 2009 she has been building her business, and now has clients around the globe.

In 2020 she was a contributing author to an anthology called “2020, A Year of Faith with the Information Diva. She also has chapters in two other books coming out in 2022: “ The Impact of One Voice” and “Love Your Haters”. Her Memoir titled, “Sow in Tears, Reap in Joy” were published in the summer of 2022.

She and her husband Steve live in southern California where they share six children and five grandchildren. They enjoy travelling in Europe, Hawaii, and have taken two safaris to Tanzania, Africa. Susie and Steve stay active with biking, hiking, and square dancing with local groups.


Susie’s Awards

Susie has been recognized by her school district, a senator of California, the Global International Alliance, and the Global Society of Female Entreprenuers. She has received several commendations over the last two decades.

Teacher of the Year

Val Verde Unified School District

Women of Distinction

Senator Mike Morrell


I Am a Superwoman

Honorary Doctorate Humanitarianism

Global International Alliance

Most Inspirational

Global Society of Female Entrepreneurs

I suffered with chronic knee-pain for years, until I started using Glutathione & IceWave patches.


Pain Relief

SP6 & Aeon relieved my hot flashes at night that often wake me up. Energy patches help me keep up with my kids & grand kids in cycling class and long, hard hikes. I can do marathon days with my grandkids at all those amusement park days. Carnosine does wonders when I only have 6 hours to sleep.


Hot Flashes, Energy & Stamina

I have been using the Lifewave patches for over 5 years, Glutathione, Lifewave, and Aeon for back pain, knee surgery, etc. very successfully.


Pain Relief

I have been using Lifewave patches for years. My neck was injured in an auto accident. Before I discovered Lifewave, I suffered excruciating pain. I tried alternative procedures. When I use Lifewave patches, the pain is almost non-existent. I highly recommend Lifewave.


Pain Relief

Before – I had diabetes, Lupus, and arthritis, taking many meds abd unable to lower my A1C, using Narco to help control pain.

After – My A1C has lowered in the last 6 months, without a change in meds, by using Lifewave – unable to exercise because of knee surgery. Very happy. To stay off insulin & lowering meds.


Pain Relief & Lower A1C

I keep my arthritis pain-free using Glutathione patches. 30 years of allergy meds not needed since using Lifewave Glutathione & Energy patches.


Arthritis & Allergies

I had painful arthritis in my hands, until I started using Lifewave patches Aeon/Glutathione & IceWave


Arthritis Pain Relief

I have been using Lifewave Glutathione patches for my Jack Russel for the past 5 years. He is 16 years old and doing great!


Dog Anti-Aging

I use the energy patches during my cycling & endurance rides. It especially helps when I’m climbing & at high elevation rides. Also, I used the Aeon patches for pain too.


Sports, Fitness, and Racing

IceWave came to my rescue when my front tooth started to ache and my schedule was booked with clients solid. Glutathione is my daily immunity boost.


Pain Relief & Immunity Boost

Hi, my name is Sara & I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in June. After trying. many medications and diet restrictions. I reached out to Susie to see if a Lifewave product could help alleviate the pain. Susie recommended a combination of Y-Age Glutathione & IceWave patches. Since using the patches, I felt an immediate relief and reduction in pain. I am very grateful for an affordable solution to a debilitating diagnosis. My quality of life has improved dramatically. I highly recommend giving Lifewave patches a try.



I was at my workout group and I had a major pain in my left side where I couldn’t really work out. Susie gave me and helped me with a patch and now the pain is gone and I feel great!


Pain Relief

I used Lifewave Energy patches last weekend during a hard, fast bike race – I felt great despite having a broken rib.


Energy & Stamina

My husband suffered with allergies for 20 years. Since using Lifewave Energy patches, he is allergy free!



These are my “go to”:

SP6 used for night sweats (hot flashes)

Glutathione – used to lessen the duration of a cold

Energy patches – used for plane travel and alleviate the motion illness

Energy – used for vertigo


Hot Flashes, Vertigo, Motion Sickness, & Immunity Boost

My son was using allergy relief pills every day because he’s allergic to grass, trees, etc. using the energy patches, he doesn’t have to take the pills and he feels good. Energy patches work and are highly recommended.


Allergy Relief

My blood pressure dropped from 190/110 to 112/70 using Energy Patches. Pain from Sciatica & Arthritis gone using IceWave. Cold gone using Glutathione & IceWave.


Blood Pressure Reduction, Pain Relief, & Cold Relief

After a horrible car accident I have to keep working my job as a massage therapist. So I do 7-8 massages a day, so Susie put a patch on me when my pain was a 9 and now it’s a one! Amazing!


Pain Relief

Stay In Contact

Susie Mierzwik is a bestselling author, speaker and entrepreneur. She helps her clients transform their health and life with a cutting edge technology. Before her current business, she transformed thousands of lives as an educator. She volunteers with various charities such as Samaritans’ Purse, which is a global organization that operates throughout the world. Her memoir “Sow in Tears Reap in Joy” was published in Sept 2022. She is also a contributing author to “100 Successful Women around the World, Volume 2 (Build Success from Scratch).


(909) 709-3075